Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dearest Family---oh how I love you all!!

Dearest Family---oh how I love you all!!

This week was amazing! Our sweet sister had a wonderful baptism on Saturday and was confirmed on Sunday (this kind of intense earthquake struck right after she was confirmed! Scary, but nothing was broken in our apartment, just some shelves fell off and scattered paper everywhere). She bore a powerful testimony after her baptism, giving a lot of gratitude for the amazing influence her mother had on her life. I know she finds great comfort in the Plan of Salvation and knowing that we will all be resurrected into a perfect state.

As for other investigators, we have quite a few right on the cusp of becoming progressing investigators. Three have already been to church over three times and are close to finishing their lessons. Why the aren't already baptized? Family fandui (opposition), boyfriend fandui (which we already knew, but she had been asking a lot of questions about Joseph Smith and last week finally told us that she actually believes everything--the questions were all her boyfriend's), lack of daily prayer and scripture study (but she is improving!), no time to meet- we met with her last night and set the expectation that we would be meeting with her three times a week until she is ready to make the decision to be baptized or to not be. She totally will be...and soon now that we can meet with her!!!). There is so much potential--Sister Thomas and I are going to work hard to help them receive baptism this movecall!

So yes, my new missionary (we aren't supposed to use the word "trainee" anymore since they are already qualified missionaries) Sister Thomas is doing soo great!!! She is from Bountiful, Utah and is so cool. She was a Rotary Exchange student too!!!!!! Except she spent her Senior year in Japan!!! In Nagano. Anyway, her Japanese is really awesome and so we speak a little together...mine is horrible now! It is funny cause she says I speak Japanese with a Chinese accent...I guess that is a good thing though right? Lol.

She is an amazing Sister and I already love her soo much! She is still getting used to the new rules and way of living, but doing great. We are taking the time to practice and help her feel confident in doing this great work. Her Chinese is already so great too. And we have already seen miracles!!! One of the very first times she contacted separately at a light she was able to have the young sister pull over the side of the road (she is really good at that now!). The girl was soo interested and ended up going with us, right then, back to the church where we shared a first lesson. This was the first lesson we taught together to an investigator! Unfortunately the young sister lived outside of our area, but she is a super golden referral and more important--an answer to our prayers. Such a tender mercy from the Lord! It really helped my companion have confidence in her ability to find. And the miracles keep coming. She is amazing!

As for less active work, the sister we rescued last movecall, received a calling!!! We ran into her at the church the other day---leaving from Institute! She is doing everything she needs to do in order to become more fully converted unto the Lord. I am so happy about that! Such a huge change. So many blessings!!!!!

As for study---still getting used to the twelve week program (the program they have for new missionaries...they didn't have this while I was being trained--it is soo awesome!!!). I really like how it is set up and I am learning right along side Sister Thomas. It helps remind me of who I want to become as a missionary. I can see a lot of areas I can improve in. Sister Thomas is so great in planning for lessons--she knows how to ask inspired questions. We are learning a lot from each other and I am excited to keep working together and becoming more and more unified so we can teach by the Spirit.

I am loving everyday and trying to do my best. You all are constantly in my prayers--I love you all so much!!!!!!! Take care and be good :).

---Sister Brooke Smith

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